The thing is, last Fall I joined the 3rd biennial fiber challenge hosted by the Northeast Fiber Arts Center. (I disliked my finished piece but submitted it anyway.) The process was very uncomfortable - I made so many false starts - and in the end I loved it. I worked with fibers I would NEVER have considered before that time. I learned so much that I still feel quite grateful for the experience.
I have concluded that a challenge that pushes me out of my creative comfort zone and makes me stretch is a thing to be (cautiously) sought out.
Therefore I am joining the Yarn Harlot's Knitting Olympics.

I do, however, crochet!
I have found that people who love yarn and working-with-yarn are a rather welcoming lot. I don't expect to be kicked out of the fun because I'm using a hook instead of needles.
I am making the Chevron Lace Cardigan by Milobo. I will be using Manos Del Uruguay Silk Blend in Moss (it's a lovely mottled green/ brown/ grey/ some-other-stuff colour, and I love it).

Isn't it pretty yarn?
It will be a challenge. I don't know if I'll be able to finish, but I am practically guaranteed a learning experience (= good thing).
So, I'll swatch and start the beginning chain during the opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics on 2/12/10 and will try very hard to complete the thing by 2/28/10. Yikes!
Wish me luck.
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