Tuesday, February 21, 2012


This post comes to you courtesy of my left hand.

I am right-handed under normal circumstances, but that hand is in a cast at the moment.  So I am currently having the adventure/lesson of discovering what it is like to function with only the use of my left hand.  I am learning quite a few useful things, and thought it might be worth sharing/remembering.

~ I have found it necessary to find new and creative ways to accomplish everyday tasks. 

One example would be the process of brushing my teeth.  Have you ever tried to take the cap off a tube of toothpaste with only one hand - your non-dominant hand?  Don't even ask about how long it now takes to do the actual brushing with a hand that has no muscle-memory for the task. 

More fun is to be had in the kitchen.  I've found it necessary to get quite creative opening a juice bottle, opening a can with a manual can opener, opening sealed bags, even cracking eggs or making toast.  Lets not forget the washing up either - those wet dishes are slippery!  

~ I have found it necessary to slow down my schedule. 

Almost everything takes just a bit longer, and it adds up over the course of a day.  The process of bathing and dressing in the morning takes 15 minutes longer than it did before last week.  It takes longer to pump gas, to start my car, to eat my lunch, to use the restroom, to gather my things at the end of the day. 

And typing!  This one is killing me.  With two hands, I am quite fast on the keyboard - accurate too.  With only my left hand?   Umm - not so much - not even close.  I need to rethink how much I can do in one day while my hand is healing. 

~ I think this is a good thing actually.

The forced slow-down is a good thing.  It requires that I consciously evaluate all sorts of little things (habits, patterns) that I have not really looked at in a very long time.  I suspect the process will ultimately prove to be a valuable gift in and of itself.

This has already been a very interesting week.  I wonder how things will look during week 4 or 5 or 6.

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