Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hello Again

I seem to do this thing where I post for a bit, then have a hiatus, then post again...

I'm back from hiatus.  :)

The last couple of years have been a wild ride.  I don't think I'm off the roller coaster ride yet.  (I suspect I've merely become used to it.)

I have two thoughts turning over in my head.  Two questions to consider.

What is a "good enough" life?

If this is the body I've been given for this life (and it is), how do I work with what I have to make that "good enough" life?

I've learned the hard way that I can't simply force my way through things.  My body will shut down on me whether I will it or no.  I have to work within my limitations.  Grumble grumble.

So I wonder.  What will this "good enough" life look like?  It's going to be interesting to find out.