Thursday, February 9, 2012

Love and Acceptance

Today I read a post called Actions speak louder than words written by an amazing lady.  I've been following her blog for quite a while now, and I have a lot of admiration and respect for her.

All I can say is that I really needed to hear this message today. It was a reflection of her thoughts about the bible passage in John 13 describing how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as an example for them to follow.  She broke it down to the two words, Love and Acceptance, and described the questions she was asking herself in response.  It resonated with me, and circles in my mind and comes out something like this...

How do I show Love to others? 
The big kind of love.  The love for a fellow human being kind of love.  The service to others that grows out of that kind of love.  The kind of showing that washes anothers feet.

How do I accept Love?
Again, I mean the big kind of love.  The fellow human being kind of love.  The service to me that grows out of that kind of love. The kind of acceptance that allows another to wash my feet.

All I can say is that I'm not nearly as good at either one as I'd like to be.


  1. Hello friend,
    Thank you so much for writing this. I felt so down this morning before praying and reading my Bible. Knowing that my post touched you has really encouraged me.
    Thank you also for leaving a comment so I could read this.
    You showed me your foot washing heart.
    Glad I have found your blog.
    Love, hugs, blessing and peace to you.
    Lisa. xx :)

    1. Hello Lisa,
      I'm so glad you found encouragement.
      Peace (and hugs) to you.
